Friday, December 9, 2011

Prague's "Tears of Stalin"

This is an odd one: no one I spoke to is really sure what's going on with the Hollywood-style "Tears of Stalin" sculpture, but apparently Prague just has a difficult time figuring out what should go up there.  There's been a massive pendulum sculpture up there as well, and next they're planning on tearing it down in favor of a forty-foot tall Michael Jackson sculpture.

I guess they really like Michael Jackson.

EDIT: Also, it's in English.  What's up with that?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prague Castle

A view of Prague's castle district from across the river after a rainstorm back in June 2011.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic in June 2011 the day after a ridiculous rainstorm.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Manchester

Another picture from June (2011) of what I'm fairly certain is Manchester's cathedral.  (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)  I meandered around the perimeter and then moved on without going inside, but it was a cute little church/cathedral. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Manchester, England

Manchester, England.  I spent about a day there last June on my way back from Budapest and Prague, since it was cheaper to fly from Prague to Manchester and take a train back to Edinburgh. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Our very own little portal to hell.

Our flat is always about ten degrees (F) colder than the outside world, and the fridge makes weird clicking noises, so we've decided there's probably a portal to hell hiding somewhere in the flat.  Possibly an invisible one, but also possibly hiding inside the clicking fridge.

But really, so long as no demons or creatures come hurtling (or slinking) out to terrorize the inhabitants of our building--starting with us--we can deal with it.

We it gets too cold, though, and I don't want to give in and put on long pants, I grab my keys and go stand in the sun on the hallway balcony.  It warms me in an instant, and I always end up standing there like a loon, bathing in sunlight, and wondering how in the hell anyone could grow up without sunshine like this.  I can't even fathom what it would be like to think it's normal to go outside, even in spring or summer, and be unable to feel the physical sensation on sunlight on skin.

It blows my mind.